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Monasteries in Bulgaria, tours Bulgaria, are unique because of their rich architecture, their icons and wall paintings. It’s not about religion or belief. Nor about being part of a mystery. It’s about a special atmosphere. Atmosphere of intimacy, cosiness…

Bulgarian monasteries are also unique because of the legends around them. There is always mystery around each holy place. This 22-day monasteries tour we made for a family for the summer of 2017. Many monasteries, many places they visited. All good memories and experiences. Here we introduce the tour to you, the different destinations with some information.
The tour
Sofia – Rila Monastery
On the day of the arrival, for all tours Bulgaria, you meet the guide. This tour started with a visit to the Rila Monastery. This is the place that preserved Bulgarian culture alive in the years of the Ottomans. Declared a National Museum and a National Historical reserve, The Rila Monastery is included in the List of World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO. It also became a National Museum and a National Historical reserve. The monastery is one of the symbols of Bulgaria.
Rila Monastery – Melnik
A tour around the monastery to get you to know this holy place and feel its atmosphere. Not far away is the smallest town of Bulgaria, Melnik. The tour, tours Bulgaria, takes you to a place definitely not ‘small’ in history. The thousands-year-old Melnik offers serenity, a mountain, rich history, cosiness, stunning scenery, rich wine… It is a romantic and full of charm place. Melnik is the smallest town of Bulgaria.

People also know it as one of the places where great wine is produced and the place of the sand pyramids. The Kordopulov’s House is supposed to be the biggest residential building on the Balkan Peninsula from the Revival period. And it is in that small town of Melnik.
Rozhen Monastery, Baba Vanga, Rupite
When you tell a Bulgarian Melnik, they will immediately tell you about the already mentioned things and also the Rozhen Monastery and Rupite. Rupite is one of the best places to visit in Bulgaria, on tours Bulgaria.

It is best known as the place where the Bulgarian medium Baba Vanga lived and was buried. The area is in fact the crater of an extinct volcano. There is the ‘St. Petka’ Church, built with Vanga’s will and a place of worship for many people. There is also her small house where she would meet all the people in need in the last 25 years of her life.

The house and its hosts offer various interesting traditional for the region activities. These are cooking local foods together with the attractive hostess, loom weaving. Also, using a distaff and a spindle, dancing traditional Bulgarian folklore dances…

Tours Bulgaria around Monasteries

Monasteries in Bulgaria, tours Bulgaria, are unique because of their rich architecture, their icons and wall paintings. It’s not about religion or belief. Nor about being part of a mystery. It’s about a special...

John of Damascus part 14