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Rinconete and Cortadillo – Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616)
Cervantes’ is the most brilliant name in all Spanish literature. He lived a life of romance and adventure and misery. Author of one of the greatest of all romances, Don Quixote, he also wrote satires and plays and a particular sort of long-short story, which he called the Exemplary Novel. In his preface to the collection of the twelve tales that compose it, he says:

“I have bestowed on them the name of Exemplary, and if thou dost look well to it, there is not one of them from which thou couldst not derive a profitable example.” But this was surely the same sort of excuse made by latter-day writers of pornography who declare that they depict vice in order to render it odious. It is more likely that Cervantes felt it incumbent upon him to excuse the short story form by endowing it with a moral purpose. The time was not yet ripe for an artist to set his story down for the simple reason that it was amusing, or beautiful, or true.

Rinconete and Cortadillo – Rinconete and Cortadillo is one of the finest of the collection “in virtue of which Cervantes is acknowledged as the prince of story-tellers in the Spanish language.” (Prof. J. D. M. Ford.)

The present version is reprinted from Thomas Roscoe’s Spanish Novelists, London, no date. The translation is by Thomas Roscoe.
Rinconete and Cortadillo
On the confines of Alcudia, between the provinces of Castile and Andalusia, might be seen a notable house of entertainment for travelers, called the Little Windmill. On one of the hottest days of summer, two boys were seen loitering about this place; one was about fourteen years of age, and the other might perhaps have attained his seventeenth year. They were both good looking, though in a sadly destitute condition; coats they had none; their trousers were of coarse linen, and, for want of better stockings, they were obliged to be contented with their bare skin.

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 10

“There is no fear of that, my friend,” returned the sacristan. I have it so truly in my memory that I shall not mistake a single thread. Saying this, he drew from his pocket...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 9

Rincon had hardly secreted the purse, when back came the student, perspiring at every pore, and in the utmost agitation and perplexity; coming to Cortado, “My good boy,” said he, “have you by chance...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 8

At this time a soldier and a student came up, who liking the clean-liness of the baskets, the former called Rincon, and the student beckoned Cortado. Rincon, by way of commencing his office, bowed...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 7

However, on entering the city by the Aduana gate, Cortado was not able to resist the temptation of cutting open the portmanteau of a Frenchman, behind whom he was mounted. His knife was handy...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 6

At this time one of the carriers came out, when seeing the two boys at play, he asked them whether they had any objection to a third, to which they good-naturedly consented. Fortune favored...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 5

My father is a tailor, and taught me such a good use of the scissors, that, instead of cutting clothes, I learned to cut purses. My ambition, however, was not to be limited to...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 4

Amongst the temptations of the city, the contents of my purse soon vanished, and I found myself at last possessed of more wit than fortune. I applied for assistance to those who had assisted...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 3

“And pray, may I ask whether you belong to any profession?” said the original querist.“No other,” replied the other, or younger, “than running like a hare, leaping like a deer, or using a pair...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 2

The scanty remains of a shirt of the color of chamois leather partly adorned the neck and shoulders of the younger; while his companion had remedied the inconvenience of such a deficiency by the...

Rinconete and Cortadillo part 1

Miguel Cervantes (1547-1616)Cervantes’ is the most brilliant name in all Spanish literature. He lived a life of romance and adventure and misery. Author of one of the greatest of all romances, Don Quixote, he...

Seven Lakes