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The Conpiracy of Aston part 4

By this time the day had broken, the Emperor glanced through the writings and recognized that his assassination had been arranged, and sent orders to the governors of the city that Aaron’s mother should...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 3

Now one Constantine, a eunuch, who had been the table-servant of the Emperor’s father and now waited on the Empress, was standing outside the tent one night about the third watch and singing the...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 2

There the man who had just escaped one assassin would have been like to fall under the hands of another, had not the Divine hand held back the murderers from the deed. For a...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 1

The Final Defeat of Bohemond : The Treaty of Devol. (1107-8)I We were, one and all, astounded at the Emperor’s dignified attitude. But although outwardly he pretended for the sake of those present to...

John of Damascus part 34

For as often as they are seen in their pictorial representations, people who look at them are ardently lifted up to the memory and love of the originals and induced to give them respect...

John of Damascus part 33

This reverence will be expressed in signs determined by custom and etiquette. It must be noted that all outward marks of respect are only arbitrary signs, like words, and that signs have no inherent...

John of Damascus part 32

So in the First Commandment we must distinguish the clauses — “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me”, “Thou shall not adore them nor serve them” — which are eternal natural law (prohibitum...

John of Damascus part 31

The count paid the expenses. Soon after, at his death, by his will (dated 3 July, 1636) he left considerable property to the chapter with the condition that they should spend the revenue on...

John of Damascus part 30

The coronation of images is an example of an old and obvious symbolic sign of honour that has become a fixed rite. The Greek pagans offered golden crowns to their idols as specially worthy...

John of Damascus part 29

In both East and West the reverence we pay to images has crystallized into formal ritual. In the Latin Rite the priest is commanded to bow to the cross in the sacristy before he...

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