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The Conpiracy of Aston part 24

X When they were on the point of starting on their journey to the Emperor in company with Euphorbenus Constantine Catacalon, Bohemund said that he wanted to move his army because, owing to its...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 23

The other requests they did not reject; for instance that some of the Emperor’s less close relations should go a decent distance and receive him on his coming to visit the Emperor for the...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 22

To this Bohemund replied, “Enough of this talk. If you have brought me any other message from the Emperor, let me hear it.” And the ambassadors said, “The Emperor who desires your safety and...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 21

“You know very well how often I have been deceived when trusting to your oaths and promises. And did not the divine law of the gospel command Christians to forgive each other all offences,...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 20

And now Bohemund was sorely pressed both by land and sea. (For the Emperor sat like a spectator watching the events in the Illyrian plain, yet with his whole heart and soul he stood...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 19

VIII The Emperor meanwhile was encamped near Diabolis at the foot of the passes, and for one thing he kept in check the men who longed to desert to Bohemund and for another he...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 18

Then they winged their ships with their sails and boldly sailed over to Illyria. But as the south wind was blowing very strongly it prevented their landing at Dyrrachium, and compelled them to sail...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 17

Indeed it was a strange sight to see that great giant, who was really prodigious, held captive by a little dwarf of a Scythian. When sending away the captured, Cantacuzenus ordered that the Scythian...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 16

I had got as far as this and was toiling with my pen about the time of lamp-lighting, when I noticed that I was dozing a bit over my writing, as the subject was...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 15

VI Then emboldened by this victory, they ran back again with the idea of attacking Cantacuzenus. But when they realized that the ground where, as told, Cantacuzenus had already pitched his stakes would not...

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