Lludd and Llevelys part 3


Andwhen these tidings came to Llevelys, seeing that he know not the cause of hisbrother’s ships, he came on the other side to meet him, and with him was afleet vast of size. And when Lludd saw this, he left all the ships out upon thesea except one only; and in that one he came to meet his brother, and helikewise with a single ship came to meet him. And when they were come together,each put his arms about the other’s neck, and they welcomed each other withbrotherly love.

Afterthat Lludd had shown his brother the cause of his errand, Llevelys said that hehimself knew the cause of the coming to those lands. And they took counseltogether to discourse on the matter otherwise than thus, in order that the windmight not catch their words, nor the Coranians know what they might say. ThenLlevelys caused a long horn to be made of brass, and through this horn theydiscoursed.

Butwhatsoever words they spoke through this horn, one to the other, neither ofthem could hear any other but harsh and hostile words. And when Llevelys sawthis, and that there was a demon thwarting them and disturbing through this horn,he caused wine to be put therein to wash it. And through the virtue of the winethe demon was driven out of the horn.

Power to destroy

Andwhen their discourse was unobstructed, Llevelys told his brother that he wouldgive him some insects whereof he should keep some to breed, lest by chance thelike affliction might come a second time. And other of these insects he shouldtake and bruise in water. And he assured him that it would have power todestroy the race of the Coranians. That is to say, that when he came home tohis kingdom he should call together all the people both of his own race and ofthe race of the Coranians for a conference, as though with the intent of makingpeace between them; and that when they were all together, he should take thischarmed water, and cast it over all alike. And he assured him that the waterwould poison the race of the Coranians, but that it would not slay or harmthose of his own race.

“Andthe second plague,” said he, “that is in thy dominion, behold it is a dragon.And another dragon of a foreign race is fighting with it, and striving toovercome it. And therefore does your dragon make a fearful outcry. And on thiswise mayest thou come to know this. After thou hast returned home, cause theIsland to be measured in its length and breadth, and in the place where thoudost find the exact central point, there cause a pit to be dug, and cause acauldron full of the best mead that can be made to be put in the pit, with acovering of satin over the face of the cauldron.

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